Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Galloping in on Black Beauty into 2014

An engaging year of following through on commitments,
With an ever changing inner and outer worlds reigning into balance the unexpected

Following the calling of the heart, yet holding on to true beliefs of an higher order

Bringing in  solar refreshing charge with air of restlessness put into focus by researching and resourcefulness, to bring progress to upcoming seasons

Cocooning to allow for over indulgence in self solitude the buffering breeze of mental and emotional stability and the release of worries.

Forging the release the sharpness of blunt speech

Awareness and insight lead to adaptation to harmonise  your inner being
So that that when winds of change approach or when the Libran scales throw Shakespearean play at ya

Being  detached  enough not to  alienated / isolated thus   remaining unharmed or graced  even within the eye a typhoon

Within the contemplation and reflective and studying/analytical   qualities discovering  hidden aspect of one self, where one own action and admittance to short comings. One can find the will to change  a habit or an opinion that is no longer serving.

Seeking more prohibitions like I will do this, this and that leads to scattered wasted energy and busted goals

Within the warm cocooning darkness  one may indeed find long term solutions.

Do nothing that is not well contemplated, creative or non-inspiring
Allow the gentle force of the wind  to time harness fruits of your hard work

Digested by the soul and ready to be shared , to put into practical organised plan of action

And share this abundantly, administratively and loving amongst the best of people  without being to analytical as about whom they may be /are.

Be sincere in all your interaction , radiating peace and honesty.

Re-earth what you have sowed  relearn , redevelop and sow again, what you have now adapted , so that you can accomplish much more  by hindsight focused awareness

 up coming year  sleep long hours ,  seek internal peace

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Self Healing Destination

dear asses of  hearts of  thorns 

i find myself in pain; with loss, 
i miss that had not time to ripen
and the tears flow

i will let the tears flow
live again

the seasons change
life cocoon to transforms again

along awaited rest
freezing in time into an eternal rhythm

from lustrous green to dazzling light

what appears to be death is only a sleeping spell
so all can refresh rejuvenate and begin anew

i is home 

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Qualities of the Compass [ from Gita ]

Alexander Everett:
  At the moment man is 'homo sapien' the 'wise three kinds of service intellectual,,,,man is in progress of becoming 'homo Noetious' the knowing man who is guided by intuition  and inspiration

three kinds of service

service in accordance with natural law;
expecting no reward in sattvic

service offered 4 display and reward Rajasic

service offered without faith and with empty heart

three kinds of practice

pure, upright and non=violent, non offensive, truthful, pleasant and benficial speech, serene  and restrained thought sattvic

practice for gain and honour Rajasic

practice obstinate and causes injury to one self or other

three kinds of gift

made with pure motives; without expecting anything in return givenen at appropriate time and place sattvic

expectation  of something in return rajasic

made with contempt and demean receiver

three kinds of understanding

which sees unity in diversity, wholeness , relatedness and creates synthesis

based ; disunity and causes separation

focuses on a part and 'sees it' as if the whole

three kinds of action 

performed without attachment / desire  and done with love

performed under stress and purpose of gratification

performed in ignorance . without regard for consequence and which brings injury

three kinds of person

has no ego , unperturbed  by success or failure

is swayed  by passion, eagerly seek results tendency toward greed

is vulgar/unbalanced/deceitful/malicious and despondent