Saturday, 22 November 2014

aint nothing but a hound dog

an imaginary Aunty once said  

once a dog always a dog 
no matter how well it dresses up
regardless of string of pearls drooling  out of its salivating
canine mouth, 
no matter how well bleached them pearly teeth
it will impersonate 
to be your best friend 
even wolf whistle  at most tight knit azz
it may indeed want to bone  you 
always wagging its tail high
when its caught a ball or two
remember always to throws these ball right back out for'em

meow said imaginary cat next to me

Friday, 21 November 2014

The keeper of the secret Kingdom chapter one

Grandfather and Grandmother , look upon the seasoned Clock, apart the usual  timings of unusual places around the globe, an the not so usual timings  that you could flick on with the shiny gem stones buttons that embellished this rather old out of time grandfather clock 

It indicated it many of it strange visual screens  for instance where planets in the known solar system were located in beneficial alignment or not

At this time chiming away as usual sounds of spring breeze  the chirping of birds and the sounds of yet to be spring new borns  of the animal kingdoms in an orderly fashion and as expected the main clock interface  that gave the daily time , changed from the previous  willow tree
Into the Ash winged fruit tree with some symbolic images of past present future intertwined

Grandfather  and Grandmother smiled

I wonder who we’ll find in the garden this time

Meanwhile in their well stocked with acres of land that surrounded  the cottage , The cat finally stumbled upon the tree it been trying in vain to  climb for last 3 winters past,  it kept finding the tree shook it off  and no longer under the same tree as it had moved again

Grandmother peeked out the window just than
“Oh ! looked she’s found the tree again  and oh my the cat got a fruit from the enchanted tree, and has  taken a bite,”
by the time grandfather had got to the enchanted tree  the cat had fallen into deep sleep  while the tree branches wrapped itself gently around the cat so that it wouldn’t fall off.
about time ,.. Thought Grandfather
“Dear” as he dashed in
 “the ca,,,t” stopped almost mid sentence  do you think its boy or girl”
 “ girl dear “ replied grandmother
 “we’ll be needing  that spare bedroom” said Grandfather
Ok I’ll get spare clothes from  the attic” replied  grandmother  thoughtfully

At last check grandmother reported metamorphosing  back into human form exceptionally well and continued their talk on events yet to be

A  knight who had observed the events from a far off distance through  binoculars  shrugged of the eerie feeling as though he too was being watched , this the knight had felt before; however  over  time,  dismissed the notion

These unusual binoculars   obtained some time ago from an old wizards belongings allowed the knight  not only to see long distance but into walls  an on occasion hear. This he found to be  muffled  or hit an miss.
 therefore had not heard anything that was said by the old couple after the cat  been placed in one of small room and on bed too and slowly but surly changing form.

 The knight had also  discovered other  secrets that were scattered around old wizards chambers  the most pressing was a letter from the king  concerning a cat,  weird why would  the king concern himself with a cat ?
and what was that? That  is locked in the chestboard box that was hidden in the cottage  that had been clearly marked out.

all he had been told by the dying wizard  that a cat with distinguished markings will be the key to unlocking  the secret that you hold at your chest, the talisman”
 and with these last  words did not die as expected  but vanished into thin air. . .

Which had always left knight a little uneasy for the talisman to which the old wizard had referred to was something he thought he had kept well hidden from his old wizard

The knight who really was the  apprentice once accidentally stumbled into the wizard’ private chambers while the wizard said he had an important errand to make, as knight {excuse me}  the apprentice  stumbled further into the chambers an image of the holographic tree, caught his attention within it trunk something shone through  to his  surprise became a real object upon touching
And hid it quickly  in his inner chest pocket.

The old Wizard  upon observation of  the tree again at later time noted it was missing than observed the aura of his apprentice with utmost most scrutiny  so he still has this hidden near his chest  that is most interesting. After all them wannabes I may indeed have found the one who returns the kingdom

to be continued later ...

time out from the other blog,  as wells  as swotting up future notes for the other blog


Saturday, 20 September 2014

So with in, we Created out

The body can be referred  to  as modern  automobile 
Which in it self is an understatement It is well known that without the wheels on the car or more
Precisely functional tires that, 
Allows the car to go from destination A to B smoothly
It is nothing more than a a hunk of metal 
no matter how well  endowed

So if the human body can be compared to moving automobile 
Than, where than; are its wheels?
Many will know the answer however for those who don't 
Is the hamster in thy  brain still spinning ?
We humans have   Seven acknowledged wheels better known as meridian or chakra more depending on level or sensitivity, it may or usually, is not be visible to human naked eye, but they continuously spin 
At steady rate regardless
Automobile only function in one dimension, where as the human body's vibrational dimension is so much more!
*unless of course you own a real* chitty chitty bang bang (?) or transformer or that one from knight rider
Even than no real competition.
Even if spinning wheels are in neway punctured or clogged you do not necessarily need go see, human version of mechanic other wise known as "what's up Doc "
Which in it self is quite ingenious
So many ways to keyboard into your selves
Science; at times so busy with human hardware, that software become oblivious
Remember to engage your gears well !
for the journey within is just as important as the one a four wheeler
Laters fuzzy
p.s. i forgot one: *unless of course you own a real one*

Friday, 19 September 2014

The Ones that Paved the Way

We, all,  that's those who care to and revel in reading books 
Remember the books well,  that have had the most profound impact on us

Destined to be life changing (at its highest potential ) 
doesn't always fall off the shelf

It requires you to pause and reflect 
to consider; which to buy now in the moment
It is more than an impulse

To read so; immediately, 
not a moment to be wasted, 

Neither do you put it down. 
Till all has been discovered...

Compared to waiting for it with a regrettable pang
To be on sale discounted

It's value lies in being read 
there And than.

 i is  no book critic 
but the following is my current read and insightful

the following book wasn't sure to die of horror or giggles  
[other than that no comment]

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Stepping Up Motivation

The real value of setting and achieving goals lies not in the rewards;
 but in the empowering of the individual.

We live in a world of dispirited pledges.
we live in a era , 
where people treat their communications superficially. 

Our temptation is to rush into and  chase guidelines
It is really no more than an fixated accessory to a signpost; a mental icon, 
do/ we can accept this guide post?

The mind that creates an fixation
with  the picture into the future
as an  escape valve  from insufficient present?

There is always something to seek out... what does thy soul seek?

Few disciplines have the power to renovate your life;
it is a legacy you give yourself - into the empowering individual  
you have the potential to be.

We  are part of an dependent state  upon others ,
without others; we cannot gain contentment
not from  the stand point of the  past, present or the future.

We should be careful, to get out of an incident; 
only the good sense that is in there,
and plug out; once done.

One of the best ways to  find motivating dynamic in the work that you do;
is  by the original  question?  ; how do I and by what I do affect others?

To be aware upon the impact on the world around you- by the lives  you touch

In some way all these lives personally may have done nothing for us positively or negatively 
‘no intention’ present,
 no motivation  to  help us , 
our human self  still depend on their contribution  and efforts for our own survival.

But by  their work  of mere coincidence of the knock on effect is useful to us, 
we should acknowledge and remember this universal kindness.

Most of us would like to live life fully, that begin with perceptive gratitude 

By than concentrating  on the value your exertion  adds,
and contribution you make,  you will see magnitude of enhancement,
in your own satisfaction  and motivation levels.

Core-responding state of mind towards  all sentient beings
The fully to  live life in this state of  'mind belief'
this is a key attitude

This   simple ‘mind shift’ in your mind palace encourages a rising  sun jewelled dawn to be observed.

No matter where you’re seated  to achieve one’s goal

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

An Argument Worth Exploring

Once upon a time joined Facebook, had about 6 people locally... Didn't look at it for 6months 
After few multiple rounds of varied and wacky personality tests like 
who were you in previous life time? Marilyn Monroe -
( don't think she's been dead long to be reborn)
What kind of writer are you?
What mythical creature are you?
What Friends character are you? (Joey :)
How bad are you ? (Uh forgot to lie while filling this one in)

Maybe it's time, to put up a mug shot of me up. 
Instead of empty profile pic, so I did. Which attracted itty bitty attention of male population of Facebook.

A typical single male profile is as goes:

  • himself being as tall as possible, 
  • with minimal details apart from mobile No.
  • And befriending as many females as possible, attention seeking or like whatever.

One in particular comes to mind:

Whose initial out line looked like having gender issue argument as provocation as well as flirtation.

At that time subjects learnt well such sociology, pitifully low level of psychology intact , as well as linguistic bias.

So looked at gender issue argument put forward ...
In the cloud bubble above thy head "let me get this right, am suppose to get all uptight and huffy puffy about this"

Could have so chewed over his argument and spat it right back out. That this little Casanova would have gone running back to his Mama
( no disrespect intended to the Mama )

Goody two shoesness came over me or can't be bothered.

Did I learn anything ?
Yea, writing totally in capitals is appear to be shouting ,


He eventually unfriended self so sweet &  thoughtful of him

Laters fuzzy


Monday, 5 May 2014

Reset 4 Life

Capable motion>>> to find the best in one self and others… to blaze their light as well as your own.

Be aware of the extraordinary- recognise that the resourceful among us, is the designer of  the visionary fruits; that lay waiting to be peeled, to taste the sweeten earth.

Disengage the brain from stalling and pro-actively create inner conditions… be patient with the seasons; they take time to bear fruit.

Set your sight on the apple[/ other]. The universe will design to help to achieve your visionary ideals 

strategically unify your thinking aspect so that you can account administratively.

Nought remains the same. The sequence cycle goes on…

Each cycle brings forward new openings’  that are not the same as the previous.

Assess the pro & cons of ‘chosen’ potential openings’ and compass plan to find the golden path. 

From past misconception that may have caused grief and anger.

Nevertheless has bought you authentic experience… this truth and reconciliation  radically applied  to ‘compass path’  by raising and changing  your approach; transmutation indeed of inner conditions.

No longer feeling dejected of yourself;  being aware …that the seasons have indeed endured.. 

Returned full circle… you yielded; ready to retread once more on the shielded path.

Your Goals Dreams …Reset.

In accordance to some; the first law of success is to be of service ... 

That nothing is lost or gained.  Only re-circulating  in a re-transformed state.

Your lessons from past;  should at the very least be transmitted,  so that those that come after you, may labour towards

their fruits … maybe not quite in the same way as you !

Friday, 18 April 2014

Duty Bound Saturn

The Planet and Signs of the constellation are part of universal  "energy patterning setup of the cosmos"

Because they themselves are created of minerals, they are living pressurised elements.

Looking  at the planet Saturn in dream world   it showed itself in the on the right hand side of sky in day light hours .. In esoteric thought lines this planet is considered as  ‘The seat of inter-planetary government of our solar system.’

In many astrology books Saturn is given very formidable image it will bear its force down on slackers…eventually
Orbits the sun every 29 & 1/2 years
Spends on average 2 &1/2 years in each of the 12 houses

The rings of Saturn looked upon as  the up and down of the Olympic Rings that determines where one is on the judiciary scale of karma

This ‘planetary dean’ of our educational system -regulates laws of cause and effect, it influences ranges from Individual, to National to Planetary

The Curriculum Structure of Saturn

Level 1 order to chaos ,direction to purpose
Level 2 responsibility and obligatory experiences acts as conscious
Level 3 tests or inhibits Individual, nation, planet by virtue, timeliness and what is necessary

This planet is strongly influenced by the 3rd Yellow Ray of "active intelligence" [dealt with in another blog note ]

However those treading on the spiritual path[ probably to their own annoyance slowly after sudden spurts growth ] after what is termed as the third initiation will  find themselves more under the influence of the 5th Green Ray of the mind.

Which falls under planetary influence of Venus which indicates the combined influence of intellect and intuition and  a touch of creativity.

5th Ray individuals Have the capacity to influence the minds of many, by planting the seeds based upon right thought; which is ingrained via critical & analytical thought processes concluding what is glamour and what is not- hence remodelling structures by wise planning. That well said saying ‘hands that help  are holier than hands that pray…’ or intellectualise

If any individual find themselves between the ages 29-59 , which is when  the second orbit of Saturn in an individual natal/ birth chart is in full swing

It is NOW about the approximate time to be responding to the structural influences that were created or set into  motion  in first round of Saturn orbit; no not repetitions of  mistakes /karma

The emphasis  NOW is to follow the strongest impulse  that of creation in your well chosen endeavors of life. Venus beckons you forth from the past that created your foundations that has been laid down  so well  "I Believe" , " I Am"; now set in place, it is  now time for "I walk/ create  ... My own Path”

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Personal Freedom the Chariot

Triumph of thy will in difficult circumstances, carry on regardless, of others opinion

Freeing oneself of emotional and physical perception;  follows the impulse of I think , I feel , I do 

Unexpected adventures and new beginning once initiated swift action required,to follow consistently throughout

This however is not a time for over enthusiasm or indeed lack of foresight , nor is it, of one of awaiting for right cues that will leave one stationary... but by becoming enlightened that the impetus lies within you.

Focusing upon the soul via meditation, vision quest shamanic journeying or simply dreaming; to bring the unconscious to conscious to continuous focus, meditate upon and refocus with forward progression

Cognitive thinking  to determine your goals- multiplicity of images in the mind 
Inspiration in cause and affect to attain them via actualisation 
Time itself will be as fluid as water

By keeping the reign in Your own hands -of the implemented instrument[i.e. the whip, wand umbrella etc]for directing for the energy of propelling vehicle  

With roots of your past mastered lessons; assigned to protecting the future, it is time to assert yourself. 

Bring forth the time mirrored warrior that has the inner strength and potential of what can be; yet with balanced alignment of sensitivity, patience and compassion  of what one is to what can be.

A natural leader who trail blazes one of potential ways  and evokes confidence in others.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Think NOT Dream Well

Simple interpretation:  catch your hearts  day dream

Tiny bit in-depth: To much thinking not the answer, behind fairy is a  dream catcher  with a heart in the middle.
 meaning that the answer lies within the realm of dream world ; that will be access / caught / filtered  via  the heart consciousness  ; that will bring emotional clarity to them.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Blossoming Honour

Teachings of a life time ?
An/s appropriate  statement, timed well

When trying to evade the question of honour the whole  inner ear may be deaf to the beating of the soul drum, to the questionnaire of honour...resolution that is not acted upon; S/He is only marking times of regret

Consider your honour issues with care and awareness... Be ing firmed willed; correctly motivated allows Spiritual pulsating light to dawn away until you can identify what needs to be trimmed...  gently slashing with magnetic fresh breeze.

Pause for a moment 

dweller of the mind, is only partially at rest to the change of winds

One cannot be aware without allowing one self to be swirled into different kinds emotion.

A heart cannot not flutter, where spring winds cannot blossom

Forgive real or imagined in justices like clouds passing by

Choose to act on on well trimmed thoughts, that sway hither thither but are well rooted 

Healing Crisis  {of honour}  is internally recognised accepting  the truth, which in turn is an important resolution required for respecting ourselves 

When we respect ourselves  the ability to endure hardships as well as friendships is a matter of spiritual honour

Repeating the natural cycle of blossoming spring winds by performing small acts of grace /kindness.  like all things thing that grace/kindness produces; inner happiness just being one of them

This kind of happiness evolves into some thing complete and significant to look back upon

The ripen fruits upon the flashback of the beholder.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Still Baiting?

Short story:
A plan was made with with an unlikely of alliance....

The 'cause' for the more powerful of the two ' we get 2eat more!'
The other our' species will at-least survive.' 

Came the of day fisherman:
"..'ere fishy fishy come to papie, we'l make fish pie."

"'patience let our partner get in 2 position,
couldn't we just get killer whale?

nah their just looking 4 an excuse for'em, , and stop day dreaming

o.k. ready?
Cu in da other realm,
fish don't preach."

In meantime The fisherman thinking what great profession... get the  best of land & see..
while some were fishes caught others were not, 
the coastal news reported:

What Friend should be

(A)ccepts you as you are ...
(B)elieves in "you"...(C)alls you just to say "HI"
(D)oesn't give up ! ! on you
(E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
(F)orgives your mistakes
(G)ives unconditionally
(H)elps you
(I)nvites you over
(J)ust "be" with you
(K)eeps you close at heart
(L)oves you for who you are
(M)akes a difference in your life
(N)ever Judges
(O)ffer support
(P)icks you up
(Q)uiets your fears
(R)aises your spirits
(S)ays nice things about you
(T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it
(U)nderstands you
(V)alues you
(W)alks beside you
(X)-plains thing you don't understand
(Y)ells when you won't listen and
(Z)aps you back to reality

somat sent to another face book mate- liked it :)

Put your Foot in it Moments

Example 1

Dad friend telling me how bilingual he is, as the languages mentioned were all European and i was impressed thought he might know few more,

so I inquired about languages further a field i.e. Asian (did note face drop- but didn't think too much of it) 
he didn't know
I was disappointed, 
When dad asked what we talked about he burst out laughing, 
am like what?
you cursed him
According to dad he was gloating. & I pin pointed a flaw.


Example 2:
Lunch time at museum was actually on time to catch live orchestra / cello

.(read somewhere live music is by far better Than recorded. Yep it's true)

Some /a lot back seats where taken {just about everybody was Caucasian and Uhh old a few in there 40's
( well I was a lot younger at the time } 

so just took a front seat

The pompous British dude introduce himself (it was just his act I think) started talking about Elgar and than somat bout the historical time and British raj in India and the golden temple can't remember exactly what was said 

But enough to have me think is this chap for real.
Neway did notice me, literally the black sheep, 

did see glimmer of change in mind?
but probably had, no other intro prepared.

Yea i sat there cringing for bit,

(thinking why oh why didn't i take back seat)one of ladies I got talking to later realised maybe not be brightest thing for the chap to have said.

Turn True

Afraid are you to strike out on your own , onto your new path 
away from others who have different set of values or outlook

Embrace the movements  and use that energetic surge for the start of some thing new and foundational That laid dormant within your desires.

The implication is always  
that the powers that it real or imagined
are dis fragmenting to either to dis inform , 
pull  the wool over your eyes to misuse  or misguide us

our good faith

The five streams of ethers ....flow steadily to fulfil your cues 
Represent the out pouring of spirit over the material world 

Not all that can be accommodated, will be accommodated
so the mind  fights it  out 
or calmly thinks it through 
to see what will be eliminated

Every loss initiates  or intimidates change and it's opportunity for growth

Loss hurts because of resistance to emotional change... brave forth

To end the conflict of the mind  to make changes for the upcoming transformation 

Time to hold on to your faith, your first steps, quest on 
into the coming dawn

Honour your passage through the darkness, 
honour that, that is being left behind that which you have an intense emotional bond to... Retrieve your opportunity

In this time of servitude you are supported.

Now prepare for the opportunity ... That is disguised as loss

You will learn to rule your destiny

What is divine cannot be separated from its source

At 180 degrees turn desired