Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Blossoming Honour

Teachings of a life time ?
An/s appropriate  statement, timed well

When trying to evade the question of honour the whole  inner ear may be deaf to the beating of the soul drum, to the questionnaire of honour...resolution that is not acted upon; S/He is only marking times of regret

Consider your honour issues with care and awareness... Be ing firmed willed; correctly motivated allows Spiritual pulsating light to dawn away until you can identify what needs to be trimmed...  gently slashing with magnetic fresh breeze.

Pause for a moment 

dweller of the mind, is only partially at rest to the change of winds

One cannot be aware without allowing one self to be swirled into different kinds emotion.

A heart cannot not flutter, where spring winds cannot blossom

Forgive real or imagined in justices like clouds passing by

Choose to act on on well trimmed thoughts, that sway hither thither but are well rooted 

Healing Crisis  {of honour}  is internally recognised accepting  the truth, which in turn is an important resolution required for respecting ourselves 

When we respect ourselves  the ability to endure hardships as well as friendships is a matter of spiritual honour

Repeating the natural cycle of blossoming spring winds by performing small acts of grace /kindness.  like all things thing that grace/kindness produces; inner happiness just being one of them

This kind of happiness evolves into some thing complete and significant to look back upon

The ripen fruits upon the flashback of the beholder.