After few multiple rounds of varied and wacky personality tests like
who were you in previous life time? Marilyn Monroe -
( don't think she's been dead long to be reborn)
What kind of writer are you?
What mythical creature are you?
What Friends character are you? (Joey :)
How bad are you ? (Uh forgot to lie while filling this one in)
Maybe it's time, to put up a mug shot of me up.
Instead of empty profile pic, so I did. Which attracted itty bitty attention of male population of Facebook.
A typical single male profile is as goes:
- himself being as tall as possible,
- with minimal details apart from mobile No.
- And befriending as many females as possible, attention seeking or like whatever.
One in particular comes to mind:
Whose initial out line looked like having gender issue argument as provocation as well as flirtation.
At that time subjects learnt well such sociology, pitifully low level of psychology intact , as well as linguistic bias.
So looked at gender issue argument put forward ...
In the cloud bubble above thy head "let me get this right, am suppose to get all uptight and huffy puffy about this"
Could have so chewed over his argument and spat it right back out. That this little Casanova would have gone running back to his Mama
( no disrespect intended to the Mama )
Goody two shoesness came over me or can't be bothered.
Did I learn anything ?
Yea, writing totally in capitals is appear to be shouting ,
He eventually unfriended self so sweet & thoughtful of him
Laters fuzzy