I am no education inspector, but in relation to the title will now mark and give feed back to training provider, on this occasion named the college by its previous name YEP that's how old I am...
So Wygeston Collegiate mentor allocated asked for feed back last week
Who's name will be spelt as "MarkUs"
End of business study class, I said am going quick visit to the loo, he said going to get paper. He came back with another tutor.
Scanned on his mobile phone my , information system certificate, the grade D I tend towards ignoring, its existent.
I don't consider myself a remarkable student, but definitely re-Mark-able.
So I tried to give the feed back of the first idiot apprentice blog post, a bit confused with the diary bit, and ensuring joining the trade union they were like that's optional ... But considering my predicament would have been a ruddy good thing.
The "MarkUs" still wanted his feed back, to which I apologised saying I am not calm enough give one. I am not about to give heads up on covering your tracks.
And on the spot was given ultimatum that I decide there and than to complete the college course, if I say no now the option will not be open.
To get out of there quickly said YEP again, am expected tomorrow in class.
But did not neglect to get the name of person/email address to make a complaint too.
so the feedback :
The MarkUs spent more time being Danny boy with thy managers. In fact might be better to get feedback from them.
When I asked MarkUs to attend 5/1/17 the get rid of you meeting
His response "he cannot not attend as a neutral party between my self and employer/organisation."
I naturally walked off, as he was with another student... Like what was there to hang about for?
Everyone advice talk to your tutor /mentor
So My last meeting in work place with MarkUs, In the workplace canteen,
Tried to riddle out of being my mentor.
Finally what appears to be the crust of apprentice role offered telephone training... This particular unit does say 20 hours guided training. Like this sh/could have been done way back in November.
Planted the idea of resigning or mentioned it the second time
I asked for the marks of previous units completed instead sat there with laptop nit picking my course work in front of me, so I had to remind him that I did email him, I had lost laptop mouse so was unable edit or grammar spell check, what can I say old school .... What MarkUs did there I would term that as undermining me.
Questions me on why I did unit 11 Am like i didn't choose unit 11 you did plus managers did. At that point I was frustrated, cold, put off with the meeting. And in true style in line with what thy mangers Been saying and MarkUs parroted "my body language, tone did not match that of a professional ..." Well duh that's what I came to learn.
During this conversation I was asked if I was happy here. By the time MarkUs asked the fourth time I pointed out that you've already ask me three times and now my reply will be "no comment." To which he reacted and said I am being un professional ... Darn sure best response to everything is no comment
When filling in personal question form at the college place
asked at the any physical /mental disabilities I wish to declare
I ticked the box prefer not to say , started telling me I should have said yes
Thought back really what pastoral support could college have given in 37.5 hour working week; where college is attended once every two weeks?
Any further comments from me ? Hell yes
Beside this neutral party gave excellent support to thy managers. For example I was on sick leave, informed MarkUs although I wasn't there. He still came in to see thy managers,
At the last meeting met thy manager 9.15am my meeting with him 10.00 am, so I waited for MarkUs at main reception, didn't show up till 10.30am.
Beside when I asked how I should approach managers on blatant error on my performance review ... Not very helpful.
Any further comments from me?
... Uhh no comment
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