Friday 10 January 2014

Put your Foot in it Moments

Example 1

Dad friend telling me how bilingual he is, as the languages mentioned were all European and i was impressed thought he might know few more,

so I inquired about languages further a field i.e. Asian (did note face drop- but didn't think too much of it) 
he didn't know
I was disappointed, 
When dad asked what we talked about he burst out laughing, 
am like what?
you cursed him
According to dad he was gloating. & I pin pointed a flaw.


Example 2:
Lunch time at museum was actually on time to catch live orchestra / cello

.(read somewhere live music is by far better Than recorded. Yep it's true)

Some /a lot back seats where taken {just about everybody was Caucasian and Uhh old a few in there 40's
( well I was a lot younger at the time } 

so just took a front seat

The pompous British dude introduce himself (it was just his act I think) started talking about Elgar and than somat bout the historical time and British raj in India and the golden temple can't remember exactly what was said 

But enough to have me think is this chap for real.
Neway did notice me, literally the black sheep, 

did see glimmer of change in mind?
but probably had, no other intro prepared.

Yea i sat there cringing for bit,

(thinking why oh why didn't i take back seat)one of ladies I got talking to later realised maybe not be brightest thing for the chap to have said.

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