The ancient text says, “ Threat may come from a person who is new to the group or just gaining power”
Eliminate, therefore any tendency to complain of conditions as they may have been or as they are because it rests with you to change them and make them what you would like them to be.
Do not reflect on ‘which army is stronger?
Are you motivated by money & power?'
Getting in touch with wisdom so clarity may unfold, our inner wisdom can be source of strength and encouragement
A commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage & strictness. ‘Feminine leadership qualities: independence, co-operation rather than competition. Become important in the detail. Peace is priority.
Early action can bring you good fortune as well as joyous feeling of accomplishment
The quality of thought that we entertain determines which shade the sun will radiate.
In to the letting go, the process offers opportunities; to usher in the new that self may have doubted, feared or been frustrated at. Transform weakness into power do not fight / be defeated by it, Surrender first, do not resist / yield, turn the other cheek, and bend.
Therefore in your de [liberation] when seeking to determine conditions let them be made by way of a compass.
As circumstances are favourable by means of attitude, one should modify one’s plans. In which case expert should be consulted because information is need. To attract the right expert to help affirm the following:” a knowledgeable, experienced person with integrity is in my life right now and this individual will help me with […describe…]
Accordingly when asking for help, appeal to people’s, self interest, never to their mercy or gratitude and emphasise it out of all proportion, most people never succeed at this, because they are to trapped in their own want and desires.
At each step on ‘Way’ to acquiring prowess, you must train your self to think your way inside the other persons mind, to see their need and interest, to get rid of your own screen of your own feelings that obscure the truth.
Go for the big picture, when simple everyday realities would have much more appeal.
The cord of mutual self-interest is woven of many fibres, and cannot be severed. I t will serve you well for years.
When you have realised this, you will have the source of power that will enable you to take care of any situation in life, which may develop.
The world is harsh, only if we fail to assert ourselves.