len of the ways... roads and ancient tracks
She that follows the way of the Tao will draw the world to her steps
If peace is your true objective how can you rejoice in the victory of war?
Great love extracts a great cost & true wealth requires greater loss.
Yours is the Number of wisdom experience and use of your knowledge.
You have a high standard of honour...to work steadily...to see others apply the same industry.
Do not shine like a precious gem but be as dull as the common rock/stone. What others teach she too will teach.
The fertile Oak signifies a period of restraint/ keeping oneself to oneself. Concentrate on the mental aspect rather than the physical aspect, to the spiritual fertilisation, growth and harvesting that follows.

The careful planning...application...steady as a rock for the foundation laid...is serious methodological and conservative.
The key holder to ideas and creative urges...to make dreams into reality...
Knowing how to yeild is called strength...All things are in the Tao
Those who master others are stronge...those who master themselves have true power.
The Master understands that when something reaches its prime, it must stabalise and stand still, before it can proceed / advance again
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