Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Full minute inside the skin

high-end primates what?
working  with animal that are the toilet trained

I love to read autobiographies and biographies- I don't
that triggered your envy button- ooh what does this button do?

The novelists loathed themselves. - empty your brains
The movie stars paved the memories of the masses.- even chick flick
The great lovers were joyless asshole sociopaths. - both genders
The wealthy barons were infested with sick needs.- lack of parental guides/dicipline for generations- sad
Forceful leaders were quivering lakes of insecurity.
e end of the day

than hung out long enough to see behind the mask- i'm not that bias 
We’re all path- ethically flowing
stepping on toes- I’ll  dance better
help collect thoughts coherently…that’s what I was trying or doing
fellow passengers on this whirling planet are one scary-ass species…

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