The obvious instant connection when you meet someone is when sparks fly.
This come about when one person has the gate turned on at one side of a channel and the other person has the gate turned on at the other. Simple put electromagnetic connection.
An ‘on‘ gate /same channel connection/activation suggest harmony [the term comes from the word Heaven] and common ground; within the relationship- like detecting the same view in their lives, the essential paste – for when the going gets tough. Like cement; needs time to dry, to create a strong bond to endure during tough times.
Humans can take anything apart to scope its significance/measure. Looking at it from the night sky, reaching for zodiac star sign and assuming that is all you need is human psychology or good oracle. A point to remember that life is a mystery; don’t tie yourself in knots in trying to work it out. Or else you build your self a wall that separates i.e. you create your own s/hell.
Bluff & Force
Rapport can happen enthusiastically or it can take a while to develop. A key ‘top note’ to communications
Collaborating in spectrum of notes is as ‘ base note’; is the art of paying attention, to respond intelligently /emotionally to what you have noticed, picking up verbal non- verbal cues [laughing, blushing nail biting, stammering].
Self and Withdrawal
Even if a chatterbox is on good behavior and remaining mercifully quite. You still cannot ignore the quicken heartbeat, the churning stomach or however else your nervous makes it self-felt.Self help in those situations:
A good study aromatherapy oils [& Bach flowers] on their psychological effects and than to read the ingredients of perfumes you like and apply and the knowledge, to your best advantage. An interesting plant to use 'Damiana' for inner vitality for it’s grounding and calming effectsAudio books as well as actual books on communication e’style. More public interest developmental Psychology has put theory into a practise so blended with authenticity
One can greet the light in you :))
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