Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Affirmation The Tools

what you sow, so shall you reap Mmm.. what quality is your soil, how often do one water?? 

What is it? / Definition? The purpose the function of affirmation? 

To support, to uphold, to encourage, towards your chosen goal, 
Individual belief = energy in put i.e. your attraction level 

Your chosen goal will come under theme – such as love, career, holiday etc 
Be very specific in what your goal means to you, clarify it; to its essence, find similar words to it i.e. from a thesaurus hear them, or things that symbolise them such as an object// picture; to feel touch, to see, so as many of your senses are used to affirm the better. 

Your affirming Tools: 
Ideally u should have an affinity for it i.e. like the words, no conscious or subconscious –negative associastion with them. In the case of words, this can be taken to next level if one care to that is, through the knowledge of by applying the hidden meaning of Numbers and Letters. Or piece literature a quote/ poem etc 
Consideration than need to be given to how often you will be able to affirm such as repetition of mind affirming compact disc /mp3. 

If you have chosen an object how readily is it available for you to view/ feel? 

This bring us to subject of its placement, a good feng shiu book can teach you this, but even more importantly de-cluttering of negatively associated things, for good Qi to flow there must be space and no obstruction. 

An overly looked tool; this key seldom used correctly, one only needs to observe nature it naturally flows from 

Increase {in breath}/[spring/ summer] 
To decrease {out breath}/ [autumn /winter] – con fuses me no end when people set goal bang in the middle of winter -yep new year 
Its only natural to apply what nature has been doing for eons 

Basic moon cycle knowledge can be used to remain in harmony nature and your goals, or even simpler to affirm morning and evenings. 

An Affirmation can be as simple as prayer 

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