Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Knock on Butterfly Effect

To continue we must learn to see each other as souls,
 and not as human beings; wherever it is we find ourselves.

To go out upon the path as ‘transmitters ray’ stimulating our brothers and sisters, 
forward to clear clarity, courage, & greater purity as we develop & mature in love.

As our thoughts grow, they become powerful, 
be sure that their intensity, 

does not become possessive; 
that you become a slave to them, 
this will affect the light potencies you radiate/permeate.

To ‘continuously’ practise, detached observation of thought-‘vanity’ will cease to exist… 
allowing for purer conscious to cleanse and tone, beautifying your thoughts, is true radiance.

The wealth of your thoughts a real investment in energy; a form of spiritual wealth.

Do not be blinded , by the luminosity of another , or indeed shy away, what good is lamp to butterfly in cocoon state? But to bring it ‘warmth’ so that it may progress to deeper levels of transformations…
So that we may flutter to the lights of heaven!

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