Wednesday 23 October 2013

Mythic Reality Transport your Imagination

‘men might stay in bed, if their imaginations were satisfied’

Illuminated into following your fascinations it  heals and liberates you. 
The path reveals itself …  for whatever bewitches you enough with intensity and persistence you follow it.

Why Escape from intimacy of your fantasies or commitment into creating them into reality? 
It  creates a pilgrim, who never arrives at the shrine. 

They define you; so pace your self if the task before you is long and unyielding.

It is only when you  make the journey, only than, may you understand the underlying challenges and motivations. Understandings of these inner motivation; manifest abundances.

To self express in your own unique way: such as walking  in the shoes of another. 

Those decisions’ that are made within silence will receive pearls of divine wisdom/ illumination... to listen; to be guided by the whispers of  the universes to the new choices that are yet to be.

It’s not about being serious…  Wisdom echoes…about bliss.
Go forth and be true to yourself…Relax into peak position,

There is enterprising energy available , so develop and support your fantasies today

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